Lotto's $18m man outed by mum

Sunday, May 28, 2006 posted 02:56 AM EDT

The Northern Advocate yesterday identified the winner as Auckland credit manager Geoffrey Henderson, who was in Kaeo for a couple of days visiting his mum Moira when he popped into the local Four Square for bread and milk - and the $18 million winning Powerball ticket.

Henderson, who is in his 30s, has left his job at Panasonic in Auckland.

Co-workers said he no longer worked there, and suggested reporters ring the Lotteries Commission.

But it seems the new multi-millionaire gave his mum the OK to reveal his identity, telling her on Thursday night, after word spread at his workplace, that "it's out now, you don't need to keep it a secret any more".

Henderson has a partner and step-children, who will be benefiting.

Mrs Henderson said she expected her son would spend the first few million providing mortgage-free homes for his step-children.

"That's the kind of thing anyone would do, isn't it?" she told the Advocate.

"It will change their lives, there's no doubt about that."

She said she had been trying to keep the big win quiet "but it's been very hard".

She was glad she wasn't the winner - it would be hard to sleep because of worry over how to spend the money wisely.

In Kaeo last night, there was disappointment the big prize wasn't coming to the Far North.

But locals said they hoped Geoffrey Henderson would look after his mum, who did voluntary work in the small Kaeo museum and drove an old Subaru.

"She's not without means anyway," said one, referring to the Whangaroa Harbour property Moira Henderson had lived in since she moved north about 15 years ago.

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