Revolutionize Your Odds with the Ultimate Wheeling System

We are going to use a 6/49 lotto game (pick 6 number from 1 to 49) and Abbreviated Wheel A-6-8-4-4-7 to illustrate how the minimum win guarantee of Abbreviated Wheel is satisfied.

Abbreviated Wheel A-6-8-4-4-7 wheels 8 numbers in 7 combinations for a 6-digit lotto game.

Minimun Win Guarantee: If 4 out of the 6 winning numbers fall into the 8 numbers wheeled, you are guaranteed to have at least one combination with 4 winning numbers.

For example, 05, 08, 12, 19, 22, 32, 41, 48 are the numbers wheeled for A-6-8-4-4-7. The following 7 combinations are generated by our Wheel Generator:

(A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
(C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
If you play these 7 combinations and if any 4 of the 6 winning numbers fall into the 8 numbers wheeled: 05, 08, 12, 19, 22, 32, 41, 48, you are guaranteed to have at least one combination with 4 winning numbers.

To prove this, let's use Full Wheel Generator F-4-8-4-4-70 to create all the possible 4-digit combinations the 8 numbers 05, 08, 12, 19, 22, 32, 41, 48 could generate. There are totally 70 such 4-digit combinations. If the 6-digit winning numbers are consisted of any one of these 4-digit combinations plus any other 2 numbers, you are guaranteed to have at least one of the above 7 combination with 4 winning numbers.

You could always win more than the minimum win guarantee. For example, you could win jackpot if all 6 of the winning numbers are among the 8 numbers wheeled. But it is not guaranteed.

The following table shows that:

  • All the 70 4-digit combinations generated by 05, 08, 12, 19, 22, 32, 41, 48
  • Which one or more of the 7 combinations have at least 4 numbers matched accordingly.
You will see that, there are at least one of the 7 combinations matches all the 4 numbers of the 4-digit combination. Some of them have 2 or 3 of the 7 combinations with 4 numbers matched.

 # 4-digit combinations which combinations with 4 numbers matched
1 05-08-12-19 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
2 05-08-12-22 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
3 05-08-12-32 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
4 05-08-12-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
5 05-08-12-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
6 05-08-19-22 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
7 05-08-19-32 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
8 05-08-19-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
9 05-08-19-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
10 05-08-22-32 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
11 05-08-22-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
12 05-08-22-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
13 05-08-32-41 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
14 05-08-32-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
(C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
15 05-08-41-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
16 05-12-19-22 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
17 05-12-19-32 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
18 05-12-19-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
19 05-12-19-48 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
20 05-12-22-32 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
21 05-12-22-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
22 05-12-22-48 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
23 05-12-32-41 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
24 05-12-32-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
25 05-12-41-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
26 05-19-22-32 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
27 05-19-22-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
28 05-19-22-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
29 05-19-32-41 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
30 05-19-32-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
31 05-19-41-48 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
32 05-22-32-41 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
33 05-22-32-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
34 05-22-41-48 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
35 05-32-41-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
36 08-12-19-22 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
37 08-12-19-32 (F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
38 08-12-19-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
39 08-12-19-48 (G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
40 08-12-22-32 (F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
41 08-12-22-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
42 08-12-22-48 (G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
43 08-12-32-41 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
44 08-12-32-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
45 08-12-41-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
46 08-19-22-32 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
47 08-19-22-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
48 08-19-22-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
49 08-19-32-41 (F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
50 08-19-32-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
51 08-19-41-48 (G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
52 08-22-32-41 (F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
53 08-22-32-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
54 08-22-41-48 (G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
55 08-32-41-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
56 12-19-22-32 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
57 12-19-22-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
58 12-19-22-48 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
59 12-19-32-41 (F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
60 12-19-32-48 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
61 12-19-41-48 (G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
62 12-22-32-41 (F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
63 12-22-32-48 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
64 12-22-41-48 (G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
65 12-32-41-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
66 19-22-32-41 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
67 19-22-32-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
68 19-22-41-48 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
69 19-32-41-48 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
70 22-32-41-48 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48

What is a Wheeling System? Why play with it?
How Lotto Wheeling System works?
The 3 types of Wheeling System, the benefits and drawbacks.
The 5 elements of a Wheeling System.
How Minimum Win Guarantee satisfied?

Back to Wheeling System